Intellectual Property Law For Multimedia Developers (7)


While copyright law is the most important intellectual property law for protecting rights in multimedia works, a multimedia developer needs to know enough about patent, trademark, and trade secret law to avoid infringing intellectual property rights owned by others and to be able to take advantage of the protection these laws provide.

Works Protected

Patent law protects inventions and processes ("utility" patents) and ornamental designs ("design" patents). Inventions and processes protected by utility patents can be electrical, mechanical, or chemical in nature. Examples of works protected by utility patents are a microwave oven, genetically engineered bacteria for cleaning up oil spills, a computerized method of running cash management accounts, and a method for curing rubber. Examples of works protected by design patents are a design for the sole of running shoes, a design for sterling silver tableware, and a design for a water fountain.

Obtaining Patent Protection

There are strict requirements for the grant of utility patents and design patents. To qualify for a utility patent, an invention must be new, useful, and "nonobvious." To meet the novelty requirement, the invention must not have been known or used by others in this country before the applicant invented it, and it also must not have been patented or described in a printed publication in the U.S. or a foreign country before the applicant invented it. The policy behind the novelty requirement is that a patent is issued in exchange for the inventor's disclosure to the public of the details of his invention. If the inventor's work is not novel, the inventor is not adding to the public knowledge, so the inventor should not be granted a patent.

To meet the nonobvious requirement, the invention must be sufficiently different from existing technology and knowledge so that, at the time the invention was made, the invention as a whole would not have been obvious to a person having ordinary skill in that field. The policy behind this requirement is that patents should only be granted for real advances, not for mere technical tinkering or modifications of existing inventions.

It is difficult to obtain a utility patent. Even if the invention or process meets the requirements of novelty, utility, and nonobviousness, a patent will not be granted if the invention was patented or described in a printed publication in the U.S. or a foreign country more than one year before the application date, or if the invention was in public use or on sale in the U.S. for more than one year before the application date.

(To be Continued...)


oleh J. Dianne Brinson dan Mark Radcliffe, 1994


Jika perlindungan hak cipta penting bagi karya multimedia, pengembang multimedia harus punya cukup pengetahuan tentang paten, merek dagang dan hokum dagang untuk menghindari penyalahgunaan oleh orang lain dan untuk dapat mendapatkan keuntungan dari perlindungan yang ditawarkan dari regulasi tersebut.

Karya yang Dilindungi

Hak Paten melindungi proses dan penemuan (Paten Kegunaan) dan desain ornamental (Paten Desain). Paten kegunaan dapat melindungi penemuan dan proses bersifat elektrik, mekanik, kimia. Contohnya adalah oven microwave, bakteri yang dikembangbiakan secara genetic untuk membersihkan tumpahan minyak di laut, software manajemen keuangan. Contoh yang dilindungi oleh Paten Desain adalah desain sol sepatu lari, desain peralatan makan perak dan desain air mancur.

Memperoleh Perlindungan Paten

Ada aturan ketat dalam memperoleh paten kegunaan dan paten desain. Untuk mendapatkan paten kegunaan, penemuan tersebut haruslah baru, berguna dan ‘tidak nyata-nyata ada’. Untuk memenuhi criteria yang terakhir, penemuan tersebut haruslah tidak diketahui oleh orang-orang yang ada di Negara bersangkutan sebelum sang penemu menciptakannya dan belum pernah dipatenkan atau dijelaskan dalam media cetak Amerika atau Negara lain sebelum sang penemu menciptakannya. Jadi karya atau penemuan tersebut harus benar-benar berbeda dari teknologi yang ada, jika tidak maka perlindungan paten tidak dapat diberikan. Karena itulah sulit untuk mendapatkan paten kegunaan, apalagi jika karya tersebut sudah dipatenkan atau dipublikasikan atau dijual di Amerika atau Negara lain 1 tahun sebelum pendaftaran paten. (A!)


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